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What is the International Thespian Society?

The International Thespian Society is an honorary organization for middle and high school theatre students.  As a member, you have the chance to be more active in the theatre program and gain lifelong benefits for the future and special opportunities such as scholarships and a valued theatre experience!

How do you become a Thespian?

To be inducted as a Thespian, you must earn at least ten points. However, earning points is easy! By being active in dRAMa club, taking part in bake sales, participating in productions, or even ushering for shows, you can gain points! Essentially, by following the Thespian quote "Act well your part, there all the honor lies," and showing dRAMa P.R.I.D.E., you can earn the points you need!

To letter, you must have earned at least 30 points and have participated in two UIL OAP Productions, or UIL Film Projects. More information is clarified on the Callboard next to Rm 1809.

The Point System

Honor Thespian -

60 points

National Honor Thespian -

120 points

International Honor Thespian-

180 points

10 hours = 1 Thespian Point

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